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Why You Should Consider Getting CLEAR

If you follow me on social media (hint, hint), you know I'm Global Entry's biggest fan. It's the fastest way to re-enter the country and breeze your way through customs. It's seriously one of the best ideas Homeland Security's ever had. But what about saving time on the front end of your trip?

TSA Pre-check was all the rage some years ago. But since everyone has gotten it through their credit cards and Global Entry, lines for PreCheck can be as long as they are for regular security. That's where CLEAR comes in.

I first signed up for CLEAR when I was flying to Atlanta last year and saw that the PreCheck line was around the corner. Patience has never been a virtue of mine and the rep for CLEAR just so happened to be standing there. She asked if I'd like to give it a try and I thought why the hell not. Sign up was simple and right there on the spot.

The rep told me that the cost was $179 for the year but I had two months to cancel. $179 sounded really steep to me in the moment but I made a mental note to cancel before the 30 day trial period was over. After the quick finger print scan and sign up with my information, the rep escorted me to the front of the TSA PreCheck line and BAM! I went through security quicker than ever before. With CLEAR, you're able to essentially bypass the entire security line, whether you have PreCheck or not. You don't even need ID! The kiosk uses your fingerprints or eye scan to determine your identity. It's awesome.

I've used CLEAR every time I've gone to the airport since then and each time, it's truly refreshing to skip the line and silently one-up everyone still standing in line. The downside? It's $179 per year. I'm not gonna lie. My feelings were hurt when I saw my account debited for what seemed like an unnecessary purchase at the time. I wondered to myself if I'd really use it. I've used it every time I've gone to the airport since enrolling so it's a small price to pay for someone who travels often. I love skipping lines wherever possible and this just made boarding my flight that much easier. Since the price is a little high, I highly recommend CLEAR for frequent travelers. If you don't travel often, PreCheck may still be an okay, less costly option for you. 

You can also use CLEAR at stadiums and arenas. I've never seen it at a stadium but hey, they say it's there. So what do you think? Would you give CLEAR a try?